Thursday, May 6, 2010

W.H.A.T !!

The West Hamilton Artist Tour is this weekend folks!  Come on out to visit all of the terrific studios and homes...bring your Mom!  I will be hosted at 138 Stanley Avenue (studio 7) by Brenda and Connan, who graciously offered up their lovely home.  They're even letting me put nail holes in their walls! How generous is that?
Here are a few new pieces that I'll be showing...but it's better to see them in person!

1 comment:

Jenni Lynn said...

I absolutely love your work and I really enjoy seeing what you've created new!

Where could I see the last image in this blog entry? I adore it!

I've got two of your 5x4 mixed medias done on birch. They really stand out on my walls --thanks!
