Thursday, February 25, 2010

Getting ready!

The Artist Project is one week away! I've been doing the last minute preparations and my camera is charged once again. Here is some of the work I'll be bringing to the show. It should be fun!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Blizzard Blues

Well, it's definitely winter outside. I feel blessed that my neighbour down the street is kind enough to snow blow the entire avenue! When buying a house, remember to ignore all corner lots...think of winter shoveling! Unless you like shoveling...
No pictures to post because my camera re-charger is missing. I'm getting pumped about the upcoming Artist Project. March means spring is almost here!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Artist Project Toronto

Well, I found out my booth number for the Artist Project in March. It's 731. Come on out and visit me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I'm working on...

I've been holed up in my studio this week and this is some stuff I've been working on. Hey, the sun is out! Maybe I'll venture outside...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Piles of paper are my security blanket. As long as I have a big mess of painted paper and scraps in my line of vision, the world is a good and happy place. Oh, and an industrial sized bottle of India ink is also friendly. These are some 12x12's that incorporate some of these elements

Monday, February 1, 2010

Studio Dawg

My studio dog, Ringo works very hard and takes his job seriously.

colour injection

I'm feeling the winter blues these days and needed some kind of pick me up. Cuba's not in the budget this year, so I did the next best thing - bought new markers! I also sprang for a couple of sheets of TerraSkin paper. This stuff is made out of rocks and a non-toxic resin as a binder and I have to say that I'm fairly impressed. It's much more environmentally friendly to manufacture than other options ( and it behaves well with every medium that I attacked it with, from acrylic to oil to pastel (oil and chalk)...and my new markers of course. These are some of my results.